Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Black Magic Remedies by Islamic Spells - Hazrat ali ki chowki - हज़रत अली कीचौकी

After the Pagaimber mohmmad Hajrat ali is on the second place in Islam. You can control and remedy all types of  Ghost, Jinn, Pret and any type of black magic by the great blessing of Hazrat Ali. Becaue all types of Jinn and Khavis are under the Hazrat Ali. They all works under the instruction of Hazrat Ali.

Black Magic Remedies by Islamic Spells-

Bismillaah Rahmaan A Raheem |

Laaillaaha ki Kothri |

IIl allaha ki khaai |

Hajrat Ali Ki Chowki |

Mohmmad Rasul Illah ki Duhaai |

Black Magic Remedies by Islamic Spells Ritual-

Chant this spells daily Just after sunrise till 41 days. Chant this 300 times daily. Start it from light Thursday. Also At every Saturday delivered the yellow sweet rice.

After that when it required to use, just spelled water with 1 rosary spells chanting and offer this water to black magic effective person. Also Sprinkle this water in all around the house. Within 41 days all types of Jinn and Khavis will run away from the house.
Black Magic Remedies by Islamic Spells
Black Magic Remedies by Islamic Spells

IN HINDI VERSION - Hazrat ali ki chowki - हज़रत अली की चौकी


बिस्मिल्लाह रहमान  रहीम।

लाइल्लाहा की कोठरी।

ईल अल्लाह की खाई।

हज़रत अली की चौंकी।

मोहम्मद रसूल इल्लाह की दुहाई।

विधिइस जप का अनुष्ठान सूर्योदय से बाद करना है।  चांदणे गुरुवार को शरू करके प्रतिदिन   माला जप करनी है। ४१दिनों तक करनी है।  प्रत्येक गुरुवार को पीले चावल भी बांटने है।

आवश्यकता पड़ने पर जल को इस मंत्र से अभिमंत्रित करके रोगी को पिलायें।  और इसी जल को घर में छिड़काव भी करें। कैसा भी जिन्न या खविस होगा जल्द ही दूर हो जाएगा।

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