Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How to Call, Use an control Jinn Jinnat in Islamd – Peer Haider Sheikh Sadhna - बाबा हैदर शेख साधना

Peer Haider Sheikh Sadhna is very effective and fruitful spells ritual. In this ritual Jinn will come and bow to you. Jinn will do whatever you will say. Jinn or Jinnat will work like slave for you. They have the ability to do all types of work (Good and Bad) whatever you will say. Actually Peer Haider Sheikh is like the King of Jinn or Jinnat, So If you will do this sadhna and make peer happy then definitely all Jinn’s will ready to work for you.

How to Call, Use and control Jinn in Islam by spells-

Rode Shah Malng |

Dhute Shah Malng |

Miyan Noor Shah Vali |

Dekhan Miyan Mlerkotla Wale Baba Haider Shekh |

Teri Hajri Ka Tamasha |

How to Call, Use and control Jinn in Islam by spells Ritual-

Again need to start this ritual at the light Thursday night after 10 P.M. Chant this spells for 2 hours and on the burned red dung cake, put olibanum let it burn slowly slowly.  Also cook the sweet yellow rice and offer on this burned red dung cake as the food of Baba Haider Shekh. This ritual will fruitful in 41 days.

Now just for 5 minutes chant this spells and spelled the water and offer this water to the patient of Jinn. Also spelled the black thread with this spells. This will remove the effect of jinn or jinnat.

With the Help of this sadhna Jinn or Jinnat will come and ask for your order. Whatever you will say to them they will do all that.
How to Call, Use and control Jinn Jinnat in Islam
How to Call, Use and control Jinn Jinnat in Islam

IN HINDI VERSION - Peer Hayder Shaikh Sadhna - बाबा हैदर शेख साधना


रोड़े शाह मलंग।

धुते शाह मलंग।

मियां नूर शाह वली।

देखां मियां मलेरकोटला वाले बाबा हैदर शेख।

तेरी हाजरी का तमाशा।

विधिजब चांदनी रात चालु हों तब ब्रस्पतिवार को रात दस बजे के बाद  घंटे तक जप करना है सरसों का दीपक जलाकर,लोबान की धुनि  भी चालु रखनी है। पीले चावल की आहुति भी देनी है और बाकी अगले दिन बाँट देने है। ये सब हर ब्रस्पतिवारको करना है लेकिन अमल ४१ दिनों तक चलेगा। 

जब प्रयोग करना हो तब जल को २१ बार अभिमंत्रित करके जिन्न से ग्रसित व्यक्ति को पिला दो और काले धागे कोअभिमंत्रित करके रोगी को बाँध दें।  जिन्न भाग जायेगा।

इस अमल में जिन्न रूबरू भी होते है। और आपके हुकुम की तामील भी करेंगे चाहे आप कुछ भी करवाओ।

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