Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Yantra for Success in Gmbling(जुआ में जितने का यंत्र )

This is a Yantra which is said to give you success in generating wealth through gambling and games of chance.
this Yantra has to be written on a clean white piece of paper on the night of diwali under Swati Nakshtra (arcturus).Then this yantra has to be stitched in a piece of cloth and worn on your is said this ensures success in gambling and games of chance.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Lucky Yantra(Charm) For Partnership Firm

It is often observe that two or more persons might be the greatest of friends,but when they enter into a business partnership,things go wrong and the friendship turns sour and might even turn to enmity.This post gives a lucky charm,which is a Hindu Yantra for making sure that there are no differences amongst business partners or even if differences aries,they are sorted out amicably.Given below is the Tantra for using and preparing this Yantra....... the full article in Image.
for any query and consultation you can contact us @ 9029064413. 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Effective and Powerful Yantra to Bring Posperity and Growth on Diwali (Diwali Par Atyant Prabhaavi Yantra Smariddhi Aur Tarakki ke Liye)

Dear Readers

I'm going to post an amazing yantra in this post which is very powerful and effective. This yantra is specifically for business men as it may considerably boost their business. But other people may also use this in their houses. This yantra is called Chhatteesa yantraIt brings prosperity in work, removes all fears and increases influence and fame.
If you are facing losses in your business or you are not observing much growth in your business then try this yantra on this Diwali and you will start noticing a positive difference.  
छत्तीसा यन्त्र
Things needed:

1) Sindoor 
2) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional. 

Muhurta: This yantra should be written anytime on Diwali night. 

Procedure: Take some sindoor, add few drops of ganges water to it, if available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this ink. 

After making the ink, draw the above yantra with your right hand ring finger on the inside wall of your shop/office or on the entry door of your shop/office. 
People other than businessmen can draw it anywhere inside their house or on the entry door of their house for the prosperity of the house.
The yantra should be worshiped daily with dhoop/agarbatti to get best results.  

Note: Please note the order in which the yantra should be made.

  • Please make the big square first and then the smaller squares in it.
  • Then start filling the numbers in the increasing or ascending order. For example; in the above yantra 1 is the smallest number and it is written on the right side third square from top so when you are filling the numbers; that square should be filled first. The next bigger number is 2 so that square should be filled next and so on.
  • If an unmarried small girl draws this yantra then it would be even better.

Dhan Prapti Yantra-Mantra (धन प्राप्ति यन्त्र और मंत्र )

Dhan Prapti means the accumulation of money and wealth.The Yantra and Mantra given in this post is a dhan prapti Yantra-Mantra Sadhna.Thsi Yantra is prepared on any auspicious day falling on the 2nd tithi[Second day] of the shukla Paksha.

The Yantra is Prepared on Bhojpatraand written with the paste of Ashtagandha,by a pointed stick of the pomegranate tree.The Yantra is worship by offering it Haldi-Kumkum,Incense and the lighting a diya.

Then the Dhanprapti Mantra given here has to be chanted 1000 times and after that a Dashansh Havan(100 offering ) has to be the full article in Image. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Mantra for Heart Diseases (ह्रदय रोगियों के लिए मंत्र )

I am going to post a mantra in this post which will be very beneficial for those who are suffering from heart problems like hyper tension (High Blood Pressure), Ischemia. This mantra belongs to lord Sun which also rules over heart in Astrology. This mantra is so powerful that it can open blocked arteries as well.


Udyan Nadya Mitra Mahah AarohanNuttaraam Divam
Hridrogam Mam Surya Harimaanam Cha Naashay 

  • Sit on a red colored cloth or asana facing east direction and light incense sticks and dhoop.
  • With complete faith and devotion, the above mantra should be recited for 108 times daily. 
  • This mantra should be recited daily to get complete benefit. Try to be as regular as you can. If faith and devotion on the mantra is pure, benefit will be realized very soon.
Note: If you are reciting the mantra for someone else then take a 'sankalp' in your mind that you are doing this mantra for (name of the affected person) and the whole benefit of the recitation should go to(name of the affected person)

Other Tips: Along with this mantra some other things also help in heart diseases.

1) Wearing a 12 mukhi and a 5 mukhi rudraksha together in a black or red thread around neck helps in heart diseases.

2) A person who is suffering from heart problems should offer water to Sun daily.

3) Anulom Vilom pranayam works like wonder in heart problems. Please ensure that you consult a yoga expert before doing it daily.

These remedies will be very beneficial in completely curing the heart problems.

इस पोस्ट में मैं एक ऐसा मंत्र देने जा रहा हूँ जिसके नियमित जप से तनाव मुक्ति, हृदय रोग जैसे ह्रदय का बड़ा या छोटा हो जाना इत्यादि को ठीक करने में बहुत मदद मिलती है । यह मंत्र इतना शक्तिशाली है की इस मंत्र के नियमित प्रयोग से ह्रदय की धमनियां तक खुल जाती हैं । यह मंत्र सूर्य को समर्पित है जो ह्रदय पर अधिकार रखते हैं । इस मंत्र ने हज़ारों लोगों को बेहद फायदा दिया है । 

उद्यन नद्य मित्रमह: आरोहन नुत्तराम दिवम । 
हृद्रोगम मम सूर्य हरिमाणम् च नाशय ।।


  • एक लाल रंग के कपड़े/आसन पर पूर्व दिशा की और मुख करके बैठ जाएँ और धूप अगरबत्ती जला लें ।
  • ऊपर दिया हुआ मंत्र पूरी श्रद्धा और विश्वास के साथ रोज़ कम से कम 108 बार जपें । 
  • इस मंत्र का पूरा फायदा लेने के लिए रोज़ जपा जाना चाहिए । ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा नियमित रहने की कोशिश करें । अगर मंत्र पर श्रद्धा और विशवास सच्चा है तो फायदा जल्दी मिलेगा ।

  • अगर यह मंत्र आप किसी और के लिए जप रहे हैं तो पहले मन में संकल्प लीजिए की ये मंत्र आप (उस व्यक्ति का नाम लीजिये जिसके लिए मंत्र जपा जा रहा है) के लिए कर रहे हैं और इस मंत्र का पूरा फायदा (उस व्यक्ति का नाम लीजिये जिसके लिए मंत्र जपा जा रहा है) को जाए।
अन्य सुझाव: इस मंत्र के अलावा कुछ और भी सुझाव हैं जो ह्रदय रोगियों के लिए काफी लाभदायक होंगे ।
1) लाल या काले धागे में 12 मुखी और 5 मुखी गले में पहनने से बहुत फायदा होता है ।  
2) ह्रदय रोगी को नियमित तौर से सूर्य को जल ज़रूर देना चाहिए ।
3) अनुलोम विलोम ह्रदय रोगियों को बहुत फायदा देता है लेकिन शुरू करने से पहले किसी योग गुरु से सलाह ले लेनी चाहिए ।

ये सब उपाय ह्रदय रोगियों के लिए अवश्य ही फायदेमंद होते हैं ।

Bhagwad Gita Mantra for Lakshmi Prapti (भगवद गीता में दिया लक्ष्मी पाने का मंत्र )

This Mantra for Lakshmi Prapti is for the devote and sincere followers of the Bhagwad Gita and lord Krishna.Here the meaning of Lakshmi Prapti is not only the accumulation of money and wealth,but also sucess,victory and riches in all walks of life.The Mantra Saadhna should be commenced on the Asthmi tithi of the shukla paksha(Eight day of the bright half of the hindu lunar month).

the practitioner has to keep an energized Lakshmi Yantra,engraved on copper inhis puja place.Any of the popular Lakshmi Yantras can be used for this experiment.The practitioner should sincerely worship the Lakshmi yantra every day and keep a fast on monday. the full article in Image.
for any query and consultation you can contact us @ 9029064413. 

Remedies to Purify and Protect House from Evil Energies ( Ghar ko Nakaraatmak Shaktiyon se Bachaane Aur Shuddh Karne ke Upay

Dear Readers

I am going to post two remedies in this post which are used to purify the house and protect it from the evil energies. Sometimes some houses experience frequent quarrels among family members and hurdles in every work they do. It may happen due to the evil and negative energies present in the house. The following two remedies will help a lot in removing the negative energies from the house. These remedy can be done in an office or factory as well. 

Remedy 1: 

I am giving the steps below for this remedy: 

1) This remedy needs to be done continuously for 21 days. It needs to be done exactly at the time of sunset. The person doing it should take bath first and then do it. One should make all efforts to do it continuously for 21 days but if some urgency comes it can be handed over to other person of the family as well who can then resume it.

2) Take half Liter unboiled cow milk in an earthen pot. Add 9 drops of honey to it. 

3) If you have an independent house then start from the roof or the top floor of the house and keep going down and sprinkle the honey mixed milk in all corners and rooms. Lastly sprinkle it at the entrance of the house and then go out to a crossroads. Keep the utensil with the leftover milk there and come back to the house. Do not look back when you are coming back. Do not talk to anyone while doing this remedy. Keep it confidential. 

4) Once you are back in your house, wash your feet, hands and rinse your mouth with water. That's it. If it is done regularly it will remove the negative influence from the house. 

Remedy 2:

1) You need a Peepal Leaf, cow urine and ganges water (Ganga jal) for this remedy. It can done at any time of the day. 

2) Take little cow urine and little ganga jal in a bowl. 

3) Dip the Peepal leaf in the bowl into the cow urine and ganga jal and then start sprinkling in the house/factory/office. Start sprinkling inside the house and then at the end reach the entrance of the house and sprinkle at the entrance as well. This can be done daily in the morning and the evening if the problem is severe. Otherwise it can be done at least once daily. It purifies the house and drives away the negative energy.

The first remedy needs to be done only for 21 days. Second remedy should be done daily. If needed, the first remedy can be repeated. 

Tantra to be disease Free for life (बीमारी रहित जीवन जीने के तांत्रिक उपाय )

A specific tantra to be disease free for life is given here.
This is an aghori Tantra.
I will describe it as it is actually practiced by some Tantriks.On the Day of an amawasya,the Tantrik catches a crow and keep it in a cage and then goes to sleep.

Then the next day in the morning he bathes the crow using clean water.then he cleans the Cage and feed the crow  curd,Rice and honey and give it rose water to drink. Then during the course of the day he gives the crow some food grains and water.This same routine is followed by the Sadhak throughout the week....... the full article in Image.
for any query and consultation you can contact us @ 9029064413. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


These days every female is looking for a rich and settled Husband.But every one doesn't has same Fate to get a rich Husband. 
Here after a deep research I found something very interesting which i am going to tell you today.

This is a specific Lakshmi mantra sadhna for a girl who is wishing to get married to a rich and wealthy man or one belonging to a wealthy family.This saadhna is done on the day of NARAK CHATURDASHI [The second day of diwali festival].this a simple and uncomplicated saadhana to Invoke Lakshmi mata to fulfil your dream.
The girl has to take 3 small sized coconuts and install them in a pooja the full article in Image.
for any query and consultation you can contact us @ 9029064413. 


Dear Friends for any query and consultation you can contact us @ 9029064413.