Thursday 9 April 2015

Excellent Remedy for Sadhesaati (Sadhesaati ka Uttam Upay)

In this post I am giving an excellent remedy for sadhesaati which removes all troubles associated with sadhesaati. I would also like to stress upon this point that sadhesaati is not bad everyone. This remedy is also useful if you are facing problems at multiple fronts. This remedy should be done on Saturday morning. 

Take a coconut (brown). Also take a mauli. Mauli is the red colored thread which is generally tied on the wrist at the time of pooja and havan. Mauli should be equal to your height in length. Go to a river bank or a canal. Wrap it around coconut. Now revolve this coconut anticlockwise around your head for 7 times and then offer this coconut in the water. Keep looking at it and when it is out of sight, turn back and go straight back to home.  

It would be good if it is done once every year.

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