Wednesday, 1 April 2015

How to do Hypnotism by Cloves through Shabar Spells Mantra - लौंगमोहन

How to to vashikaran or Hypnosis by cloves through powerful Shabar Spells.
Spells :- Om Namho aadesh Guru ka
Kaamro desh kamakhya devi
Jhan vase ismaile yogi
Ismaile yogi ne dinhi laung
Ek laung raati maati
Dooji laung deikhave raati
Teeji laung rhe theraay
Chauthi laung milave aay
Nahiv aave tau kuaan bawadi ghaat fire
Randi kaun baawri pr chitek mare
Om namho aadesh guru ka
Meri bhakti, Guru ki Shakti
Fure mantra inshwara vaacha|

How To do this Hypnotism Spells by cloves: This spells will be activate during the time of eclipse of solar or moon. Take four light lamp (Chaumukha Diya) , take four cloves, now sit on the pure and fresh place. During the time eclipse light the four side lamp and put the cloves in front of each light. This spells need to chant during complete eclipse time, By this way this spells will be activated through cloves. Now took a locket and put these cloves inside it.

How to use this hypnotism spells: Now whenever you required to hypnotize anyone, just took a new clove and chant the spells 21 time for it and just let it touch to already filled locket with cloves. Now offer this clove to eat by any to your required person. He / She will by hypnotized strongly and automatically.

How to do Hypnotism by Cloves through Shabar Spells Mantra
Cloves in Shabar Spells Mantra

 नम्हो आदेश गुरु का
कामरु देश कामाख्या देवी
जहां बसे इस्माइल जोगी
इस्माइल जोगी ने दीन्ही लौंग
एक लौंग राती माती
दूजी लौंग देखावे राती
तीजी लौंग रहे ठहराय
चौथी लौंग मिलाव आय
नहीं आय तो कुआं बावड़ी घाट फिरे
रंडी कुआँ बावड़ी पर छिटक मरे
 नम्हो आदेश गुरु का
मेरी भक्तिगुरु कि शक्ति
फुरे मंत्र ईश्वरोवाचा |

विधि : पहले इस मंत्र को ग्रहण काल में सिद्ध केर लें लौंग लेचौमुखा दिया जलाये। अब एक एक लौंग को एक एकजलती हुई बती के सामने रखेंअब पूरे ग्रहण काल में इस मंत्र का जप करते रहें। अब इन लोंगों को एक ताबीज में भर लेंअबजब भी जरूरत हो नई लौंग लेकर उसको २१ बार अभिमंत्रित कर  के उस ताबीज से छुआ दो और इच्छित को खाने में दे दोवहतत्काल वशीभूत होगा या होगी।

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